woensdag 30 maart 2016

Easter Weekend

On the Saturday before Easter I met up with Carolien at de Rechtbank in Utrecht.

And at Easter I gave one of these to my mother and to each of my sisters. They are from kits by Orcraphics (although I switched out the fabric that was in the kits for a different fabric that I liked better).


woensdag 23 maart 2016

More Afternoon Tea

I've been happily stitching away on my Afternoon Tea cross stitch project this month. This is what it looked like about a month ago:

 and this is what it looks like now

I think it will take me about three or four more months to finish it (or maybe a little more than that, depending on whether I start more projects or not :)

vrijdag 18 maart 2016

Zo ging Haarlem gekleed

Vandaag zijn vriendin Marjon en ik naar de tentoonstelling 'Zo ging Haarlem gekleed' geweest (in het Museum Haarlem) en we hebben alles goed bekeken (inclusief winkelinterieur van kostuummaker Van der Steur, bevrijdingsrokken, handgebreid ondergoed, hoedjes zoals mijn oma ze wel droeg, en nog veel meer moois!)


woensdag 9 maart 2016

Catwalk Exhibition at the Rijksmuseum / New Thea Gouverneur Kits

Today I visited the 'Catwalk' Exhibition at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam where I also bought one of the new cross stitch kits that Thea Gouverneur designed especially for this exhibition. The design that I liked best is based on Helena Slicher’s (1737-1776) wedding gown (or mantua), which she supposedly wore at her marriage to Aelbrecht baron van Slingelandt (1732-1801) on 4 September 1759. This amazing wedding gown is two metres wide (!) and beautifully embroidered.