Anyway, I was again happily working on this holiday craft project # 2 when disaster struck. I was sitting on the couch in our Titisee apartment, embroidering, when somehow my needle fell down and slipped into the side of the couch and disappeared forever. We tried to get it out of there using various tools (including a knitting needle, because yes!, I did bring a knitting project too!), but the needle couldn't be retrieved and that was the end of my holiday craft project #2.
Actually, it was the end of my holiday craft project #2 until 2 days before we left. On that day we visited the lovely city of Freiburg, and there we came across a very small shop in which they sold (among other things) embroidery needles! So I bought myself a new embroidery needle (and 2 skeins of Opal Hundertwasser sock wool, couldn't resist those).
I finished this project a couple of days after we came home and I love the result. It reminds me of 2 of my favourite books, 'Poes Pinkie', and 'Poesje Prul' (the latter book was written by Sjoerd de Vries, with illustrations by Ted Schaap, it's about a cat that could knit and as you can see it has been read so many times that it's falling apart).
Je poezenkussen wordt leuk zeg! En die boekjes: ♥ ♥ ♥.