donderdag 30 juni 2011

Tuindagen Vollenhoven

Earlier this week I visited the 'Tuindagen landgoed Vollenhoven' in De Bilt. Somehow these Vollenhoven Tuindagen always mark the beginning of summer to me. And I must say, it was a very very warm Monday! But that of course only added to the summery feeling and I thoroughly enjoyed walking around the beautiful gardens and estate, and taking a look at what was for sale at the stalls. I ended up buying a knitted donkey key chain at the Donkey Rescue booth, some nice second hand books (including one about how to crochet edgings around handkerchiefs and doilies, but I figured I could just as well use these as for edgings for shawls), oh and also a beautiful rambler rose (not included in the picture :)

1 opmerking:

  1. wat grappig om hier bij jou ook over vollenhoven te lezen. ik probeer er elk jaar naartoe te gaan. ik ben vooral verliefd op de moestuin maar de romantische tuin (bij het zwembad) is ook schitterend. ik heb een ezelzeepje en ook een paar boekjes gekocht. misschien stonden we samen aan het kraam ;)
