vrijdag 23 oktober 2015

Three Cross-Stitch Finishes

This week I've got three cross-stitch finishes to show you:

Two of them were Eva Rosenstand/Clara Waever kits (nrs. 12-535 and 45-344 respectively) that I bought earlier this year. In the second kit I switched out the Aida fabric for an Evenweave fabric that I bought at the Handwerkbeurs earlier this month.

And then I also finished this little project (Haandarbejdets Fremme 30-6231) that I picked up last week at 'Handarbeiten Bruggesser', a small but very pleasant shop in Fuessen, Germany.

So now I'm thinking about what to start next...

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Mooi! De bovenste doet me denken aan de plaatjes in het boekje 'Rijmpjes uit de oude doos' dat we vroeger hadden.

  2. Ja, nou je 't zegt, opeens herinner ik me dat weer!
